Feature in VIRES: alumni magazine of my alma mater, FSU

Op-ed with Rick Phillips, a prof at UNF and a former PhD student at Rugers, on the tenacity of Covid-19: What if Covid-19 is Here to Stay?

And here are a few thoughts on when things will again be "normal"


Brief bio

Clarke CV

Click here for a 30% discount for the book Surviving Alex: A Mother's Story of Love, Loss, and Addiction, Patricia Roos

Worst Cases is about how we look forward and back to imagine superlative catastrophe. Here's an interview about WC.

A cartoon, about me?

Mission Improbable is about the symbolism of planning, when they work and when they probably won't.

Worst Cases: Paranoid or Prepared?

Acceptable Risk? by Lee Clarke

Acceptable Risk? Univ of CA Press.